Tuesday, April 17, 2012

(worth the effort)


2 C Macaroni pasta
1/3 C flour
1/2 t Dry mustard
1 t salt
1/2 t Black pepper
1/4 t Cayenne pepper
1/3 C Panko bread crumbs (topping)
A few dashes of Worcestershire Sauce
 (I used Great Value,. It's not nearly as good as Lea & Perrins so don't buy it)
A few dashes of Louisiana hot sauce


10oz Grated, good quality, extra sharp Cheddar Cheese
( I use Kraft, don't use Great Value, it sucks)
4 T Butter
1/2 C Sour cream
2 C Milk


It's pretty simple. In a large pot bring about 6 qts of water to a rolling boil
Add your pasta and about a tablespoon of salt.
Return it to a boil and cook until al dente.
Drain and return to pan.
When the pasta is done you will probably have the sauce ready.


As soon as I put my pasta water on to boil, I'm working on the sauce.
Melt the butter over medium heat. As soon as it's melted add the flour and incorporate the flour the butter till you have a roux.

Add the milk and whisk it well.  As the temperature comes heats back up you sauce will thicken.  So stick around and stir it occasionally. Add the rest of your dry ingredients, hot sauce and Worcestershire sauce.
When your sauce is thick enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon, it's ready for the cheese.

Add 2/3 of your cheese, reserving the rest for the top.
The cheese will melt in quickly and then it will be ready for the pasta.
Your cheese sauce should have the consistency of a thin pancake batter.
If it's thicker or seems too thick use a little milk to thin it out.
If you don't you will have an end product that is too thick and pasty.


Add your cheese sauce to your pasta and the 1/2 C of sour cream.
Blend it all together till it is uniform in appearance.
Spray a little Non-stick in a 9x12 casserole dish and pour it in. Now sprinkle your panko bread and the rest of your cheese.
It will look a little runny but that's ok. The pasta will drink up some of cheese sauce. Mmm!


In a preheated 350 degree oven,  Slide that baby in there and let it cook for about 30 to 40 minutes,
Your eyes and nose though are you best tools for doneness! So when it's bubbly and a little golden on top.  Pull it out!  Let it cool for about 20 or 30 minutes so it will set and you don't burn the snot out of your palate.

Well, there ya have it!  It might seem a little time consuming but it really isn't.
As I made this today, I had to take the extra steps to measure everything because I really don't measure much and it took me 35 minutes to prepare this and get it in the oven.
I hope you enjoy it!
God Bless!

Occassionally I get in the mood for a little something extra in my Mac N Cheese. There is nothing better than slicing fresh ripe summer tomatoes and putting a layer on your casserole before the bread crumbs and cheese.   Thawed, frozen broccoli mixed in.... very good.  BUT....adding a 1/2 a cup of Stilton Blue cheese and a 1/4 cup of parmesan cheese makes for a cheese lovers, savory Mac n cheese,


  1. OMG. I loooove your homemade mac n cheese :) It's my favorite :)

  2. Looks yummy! I want your meatloaf recipe!
